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Thursday, 5 February 2015


In this article we will learn  the queries to remove/drop a single or multiple columns from the sql server database table. We can remove the column in two ways, using query or  manually( in design of table). In this article I will explain how to remove columns by using SQL Query.

Syntax to drop/remove single column:

 alter table TableName drop column ColumnName

Note: Here TableName is the name of the table from where you want to remove the column and ColumnName is the name of the column that you want to remove.

E.g. alter table Employee  drop column empname

Syntax to drop/remove multiple columns:
  alter table TableName drop column ColumnName1, ColumnName2

Note: Here TableName is the name of the table from where you want to remove the column and ColumnName1, ColumnName2  are the name of the columns that you want to remove.

E.g. alter table Tb_Emp 
drop column  empname, salary

Note: When you delete a column from a table then that column and all the data it contains are deleted from the database and it cannot be rollback. So keep this in mind while executing this query.


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