In this article i have
explained how to get MAC
Address using It is
sometimes required to read the MAC address of the user to know from where the
visitors are coming to your website or for other purpose as per application
requirement such as to restrict user of particular Mac Address or to provide
access only to specific user with specific MAC address.
Implementation: Let's understand by practical implementation.
ASP.NET(C#) Code to get mac address of the client
Implementation: Let's understand by practical implementation.
ASP.NET(C#) Code to get mac address of the client
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string MacAddress = GetMACAddress();
Response.Write("Mac addess is : " + MacAddress);
public string GetMACAddress()
ManagementClass mc = newManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");
ManagementObjectCollection moc = mc.GetInstances();
string MACAddress = String.Empty;
foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc)
if (MACAddress == String.Empty)
if ((bool)mo["IPEnabled"] == true) MACAddress = mo["MacAddress"].ToString();
MACAddress =
MACAddress.Replace(":", "");
return MACAddress;
Code to get/read mac address of
the client
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)Handles Me.Load
Dim MacAddress As String = GetMACAddress()
Response.Write("Mac addess is : " & MacAddress)
End Sub
Public Function GetMACAddress() As String
Dim mc As New ManagementClass("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration")
Dim moc As ManagementObjectCollection = mc.GetInstances()
Dim MACAddress As String = [String].Empty
For Each mo As ManagementObject In moc
If MACAddress = [String].Empty Then
If CBool(mo("IPEnabled")) = True Then
MACAddress = mo("MacAddress").ToString()
End If
End If
MACAddress =
MACAddress.Replace(":", "")
Return MACAddress
End Function
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