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Monday, 2 February 2015

Suppose you have 50 rows in DataTable named dt and you want to show only first 10 rows in the GridView then call the function SelectTopRows passing first parameter as your datatable object dt and second parameter as 10.This function will return first 10 rows from the datatable.Now you can bind that filtered datatable i.e. dtnew to your gridview.

C#.Net Code  to get specified number of records from datatable in

public DataTable SelectTopRows(DataTable dt, int count)
DataTable dtnew  = dt.Clone();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
return dtnew ;

VB.Net Code to get specified number of records from datatable in

Public Function SelectTopRows(dt As DataTable, count As Integer) As DataTable
 Dim dtnew As DataTable = dt.Clone()
 For i As Integer = 0 To count - 1
  dtnew .ImportRow(dt.Rows(i))
 Return dtnew

End Function


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