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Monday 16 February 2015

In this we will check how we can find Stored Procedure and Views in sql server database using query. We will use system stored procedure to find the Stored Procedure and Views .

Find Stored Procedure(s)

1.         To find all the stored procedures with details
                SELECT * FROM sys.procedures

2.         To find specific/ particular stored procedure with details
SELECT * FROM sys.procedures WHERE name ='Delete_Dept'

3.         To find all the stored procedures matching the specified pattern
SELECT * FROM sys.procedures WHERE name LIKE '%Delete%'

4.        To find all the stored procedures by schema id
SELECT * FROM sys.procedures WHERE schema_id=1

Find View(s)

1.         To find all the views with full details
SELECT * FROM sys.views

2.         To find specific/ particular view with full details
SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE name ='vwEmpDetails'

3.         To find all the views matching the specified pattern
SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE name LIKE '%vwEmp%'

4.         To find all the views by schema id

SELECT * FROM sys.views WHERE schema_id=1


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